I don't mean to ignore you guys, I know a lot of you need the money, but the best method is.. your own. The truth is, nobody is ever going to tell you their method. If I tell one person what file I'm earning money from, they too will use the same file and my earnings will be cut by 50%. If I'm earning $200 a day and then I make my method public, 100 people will use it and it will bring you all $2 a day, maybe a little more.
Asking for methods isn't going to get you anywhere. I used my initiative, I worked hard testing out many different methods and took the time to plan a unique method. That is why I am at number one. I guess the point of this topic is to answer all of you guys with this.. You can't expect to be spoon fed everything on this forum. If you are really too stupid to develop your own method, you are going to be earning a dollar a day for the rest of your life. The next person that messages me for my method is going to get a story about me making videos about throwing up and eating it. I'm actually trying to help you guys with this post, so take it from somebody who knows.
The best method is your own.
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