[TUTORIAL] Youtube Bots

1.) Whats a Youtube Bot?
2.) What are the benifits of a Youtube Bot?
3.) Whichone should I get and why?
4.) How to use the Youtube Bot?

I'm going to answer all of these questions in this article! You'll be surprised about the endless possibilities!

1.) Whats a Youtube Bot?
A Youtube Bot is a Bot, which automatically does the promoting for your video. (Rating, Commenting, Subscribing) - but thats just the beginning, there are many other useful Features on good bots, for example a Comment Rater, Mass Flagger, Keyword Farmer, Username:Password Splitter and many many more. A Youtube Bot is not only useful for the regular Sharecasher, its also being used by many SEO-Pro's and other high tier earners!

2.) What are the benifits of a Youtube Bot?
I already mentioned that, but the possibilities are endless, every feature on a Youtube Bot opens a new way to get A LOT of traffic to your website/video or whatever it is. The basic features Rating, Commenting and Subscribing for example, if you give your videos 100 thumps up and 20 comments saying the video is awesome will convince the other Youtubers that theres nothing fishy.
Another Feature which could get you a lot of money in no-time is the Comment Rater, not every Youtube Bot has it, but I'll talk about that later. The Comment Rater basically thumps up your comment on another guys video and makes it appear at the 'Highest Rated Comments' Tab. Imagine some famous Youtuber gets up a new video, the video gets 1000 views a minute or something like that - and your Comment is at the very top! Nearly everybody is going to read it and is going to check out whatever your promoting! Thats not all, there are many many other benifits in having a Youtube Bot, you'll find out by yourself. It doesn't really matter how your working with Youtube, if your working with Youtube then you'll find a Youtube Bot useful - thats for sure.

3.) Whichone should I get and why?
Your best choice: Youtoob! Youtoob is a Youtube Bot created by 'SpK'.
Check out Screenshots and detailed Description on the Sales Page:

Why Youtoob?
Youtoob has many Features other Bots don't have and along with the awesome Support it makes a perfect Youtube Bot. Besides the 'basic' features like the Rating, Commenting and Subscribing, Youtoob has a lot more. If you compare Youtoob to other Youtube Bots you'll see that it has a lot more to offer ( Check out the Features Overview: http://youtoobme.com/features.php )

4.) How to use the Youtube Bot?
The most features are not worth to write a 'How-To' about, its really really easy. What you need if you want to use a Youtube Bot is an Account List. Your able to buy the Accounts at several places or even purchase them with Youtoob. The Account List should be a .txt file and there should be one account and password each line. 

Should look like this:



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